Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Crabby Kids

It was raining when I woke up this morning, and my first thought was, "great, I get to be stuck in the house with the kids". Then I thought, "this could be a good day to clean". So I start doing dishes and laundry, and the sun comes out. Turns into a beautiful day! If only someone had told the kids.Nicole dropped off Faith, and she was fine. The kids get ready to swim, and I see Faith about to spray sunscreen in her face. I tell her no, and to give it to me. That was the beginning of the end. I was hit and kicked and screamed at, and nothing I did helped her to calm down. I had to call Nicole to come get her. I felt sooooo bad. I've called a few times to check on her, but haven't gotten an answer. I hope she's okay!Me and mine spent most of the day in the pool. Junior and Ryan fished with Grumpy for a little while. They got back aroung 1:30, and as soon as my three are in the pool together, the fighting starts. I would love to have one day of peace and quiet! So I send everyone to change and tell them not to come out of their rooms. Except Boo. She was the good kid today. We stayed in the pool a little while longer, then I cooked chicken on the grill. Now I'm tired from being in the sun all day. Ryan and Kasi are doing extra chores without being asked because they want to get back on my good side. Who knows. I might just let them back.Someday......

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