Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Poison Something

Good evening all. I am itchy!!!! It seems I have developed a case of poison oak or poison ivy or something red and splotchy and oozy and ITCHY!!. It SUCKS!!!! I found relief in the pool today. Not sure if it was the cool water or the chlorine, but since I've come in I've been scratching dents into my legs. Hopefully it won't spread too bad.I worked this morning for a couple of hours. Not one person stopped. The kids from across the street came over for sno-kones, and that was it. I had to close to be here for Faith, and I don't think Del made it back to Spartanburg in time to open back up. He did call and say he found BIG watermelons. I'm excited to see them on Thursday. Thank goodness I'm off tomorrow. I have so much housework to catch up on. I feel quilty during the day if we're home and I don't let the kids swim. Okay, who am I kidding. I can't stand being in the house with the pool calling me! Who wants to clean when you can be having fun with the kids? Not me. Besides, I can clean when it's dark. Can't swim in the dark. Anyway.......Nothing too important going on around here. I read a couple of blogs every day, and it struck me today that I have been very lucky. My life hasn't seen much tragedy. I think the worst thing I've had happen was being pregnant before being married. And how bad could that have been since it gave me not only my son and my husband, but my daughters as well. There were quite a few people who thought we wouldn't make it a year together. Here we are now, 12 years on Friday. Still together and still happy. I guess we proved some people wrong. The only thing I wish sometimes is that Junior had more in common with my family, or at least felt comfortable around them. He still feels a little uncomfortable sometimes, but the same can be said about me and his family. (Anita, don't call and yell at me. I don't mean you.) But I guess that's all part of being married.

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