Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend Recap

This entry might be a little long, so go, get a snack and drink, and don't say that I didn't warn you!Let me start by saying that my dad LOVES peanut butter cookies with kisses on top. It was requested that I make some to bring for Father's Day. Friday night, I buy the stuff, planning to bake that night. I get home, fix supper, Junior goes to work, I get ready to start, no eggs. Now, for a normal person, they would just run to the store and get some eggs. Not me. One of the few times I've wished I had a license. So anyway, I figure I'd get eggs Sat, and bake that night. I was at the stand early that day, and didn't leave til after 8. We still had to run to wal-mart to find gifts, eat supper, and then go bake. So I decided to cheat. I bought 3 tubes of the slice and bake. We ended up not getting home til almost 11, and I didn't feel like doing it then. I asked Kasi if the cookie dough got put in the fridge. She said yes. I said "are you sure?" to which she replied, "yes". So we go to bed. I get up around 8 Sunday morning. The kids have planned breakfast in bed for Junior. I preheat the oven, open the fridge, no cookie dough. I wake Kasi and ask her where she put it. She looks at me and says, "it's still in the trunk!". I took a deep breath, didn't beat the crap out of her like I wanted to, just told her to go to her room. I know. I should have put the groceries away myself, then I would have noticed the missing cookie dough. But they do it all the time, and we've never had a problem. So now I have to wake Junior to take me to the store. We go to Ingles and pay twice as much for cookie dough, and now I'm wondering how I'm gonna bake them, let them cool, and get them to my dad. Since we were already out, I suggest going to Hardee's and getting biscuits. Good idea. Everyone's happy. The kids will do breakfast in bed next year. We left Kasi and Ryan home, so Junior, Brandi, and I go in to order. We get it to go. Spend $16.31. Now, I hate eggs. I will not eat them. I will not eat anything that touches the. They are slimy and gross. So I order myself a bacon and cheese biscuit. Before I go on, let me say that I have worked fast food. I know people make mistakes. BUT, while the girl was bagging our food, I saw the grill lady put a biscuit "up top" and say, "bacon and egg biscuit". The cashier puts it in my bag. I say, "excuse me, that should be a bacon and cheese, not bacon and egg". She takes the biscuit out, hands it back to the grill lady, saying it should be a b&c not a b&e. The grill lady replies, "oh yeah. It is b&c. I just said the wrong thing.". Again. I have worked the grill and have done that myself. Said one thing when I meant another. I didn't question it. That was my Mistake. We get the bag home, and you'll never guess what kind of biscuit I had. Yup, bacon and egg. Now I'm pissed. I call up there and tell the manager the whole story. I knew it was wrong, tried to get them to fix it, all of it. So the manager tells me to come back, she will replace the biscuit, and refund my whole order since I saw the mistake, pointed it out, and they still messed up. She said she just had to check with the other manager on duty. So the other one gets on the phone and asks, "can I help you?". I had to go through the whole thing again and am getting more and more mad. She says, "bring the wrong one back and I'll correct it." I say I tried to correct it while I was there and that I was still not happy. I told her to hold on and I put Junior on the phone. He says,and I quote, "I'm coming back up there, you'll replace the biscuit, and refund my money since you have already #%$@ed up my Father's Day." Now, for those of you who know my husband, he has a horrible mouth. I was surprised that was all he said. The manager hung up on him. I say, good for her. He was out of line. Anyway, he goes back and they have a new biscuit, a refund, and an apology waiting. The grill lady especially. They all kissed up to him. The manager apologized for hanging up on him, and said it was the best thing for her to have done in that situation. He agreed and apologized to her. All was happy. You can't beat free breakfast for Father's Day. By the time we get home, I have to rush, rush, rush to get everything done. The cookies never set right because I used peanut butter filled kisses. Those are the BOMB, by the way. I had to hem the shorts I wanted to wear. Get 3 kids bathed and dressed, plus Junior and Myself showered. In hindsight, I don't know why I bothered to shower. I was SWEATING by the time we left my dads. We made it there by 2, but couldn't stay long. We had other commitments, and Junior wanted to spend the day with the kids. We saw Grumpy for a little bit, and were supposed to meet up to fish that evening, but Grumpy never showed. Anyway, my dad's wife planned a scavenger hunt for the kids in the woods across from their house. It was a really fun idea, but it was rough hauling my fat ass through the woods for 100 miles. Okay, maybe it wasn't 100 miles, but by the end it sure did feel like it! My wonderful brother sabotaged (is that spelled right?) us and we couldn't find our last thing. The kids had fun though, and that's the important part. I put pictures of my "team" above.For those of you not related on my side, you probably don't know the kids in some of the pictures. I didn't realize at the time that I only took pictures of the girls! Anyway, Elaine has two daughters, Stefanie and Janice. Stefanie is married to Nick, and they have 2 kids, Brian and Emily. Janice is married to Steve, they have Olivia and are expecting their son in November. Julia and Ben are Steve's kids from his first marriage. Kasi loves Julia. They are a few years apart but get along well. After we left my dad's, we just spent the day as a family. We ended up fishing. We planned to stay and night fish, but Brandi got a little scared once it got dark. Then the snakes came out. Let me say I am not afraid of snakes, but I don't want one sneaking up on me in the dark. Brandi SCREAMED and ran for the car when we saw one in the water. At this point is was after 10 and I was ready to go. We packed up, and as we were leaving we saw a black snake in the road. Nicole, you would have loved it! (ha ha)My kids tasted their first root beer float. YUMMY! Jean and Del gave Junior some money for Father's Day, so it was nice to just be out and do things as a family for a day and not have to worry about every cent. So that was how we spent our weekend!Today I had the day off again. Del made the comment that he can't afford me every day. I told him I would help for nothing, but he won't let me. I was dressed and ready to go this afternoon when he called and said he wasn't going to open today. So I just put my bathiing suit back on and got back in the pool. That's where we have been all day. I should have been cleaning my house, but I can do that later! I guess that's it. I hope I didn't bore you. Have a great evening!

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