Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy Humpday

Good evening all. I have had an unusually calm and relaxing day. We were in the pool briefly this afternnon. It started storming around 2, and hasn't yet stopped. If I suddenly stop writing, it's cause lightning took out my computer, and possibly me with it. Anyway, Faith was good as usual, and my kids were as well. When Faith left, we went to order "Angel Food", which I will explain in a sec. After, we ran by the stand to see if Del had stuff out. He kinda did. I grabbed a canteloupe and some squash, and was almost out the door when he asked me to run the stand for "just a little" while he ran to check on a new building. How could I say no? So me and the girls stayed for about an hour. Junior, Ryan, and Del ran to price a new building that will have running water and a, drumroll please, BATHROOM! No more walking to Little Cricket to pee. Hopefully he will decide on one soon.Okay, so back to "Angel Food:". Churches in the area offer boxes of food for $25. My mom has been telling me about it for years, and we finally found a thrift store where we can order a box. You can get as many as you want. This is the menu for July:(1) 4 lb. chicken thighs (1) 16 oz. gourmet bean soup(1) 12 in. supreme pizza (1) 24 oz. home-style hash browns(1) 2 lb. banguet lasagna dinner (2) 7 oz. healthy steamed and seasoned veggies(1) 1 lb. chicken breast fajitas (1) 7.5 oz. mac & cheese(1) 12 oz. philly steak portions (1) 16 oz. frozen baby carrots(1) 2 lb. popcorn chicken (1) 16 oz. california blend veggies(1) 16 oz. smoked sausage (1) each dessert item(1) 10 ct. flour tortillas (1) each dozen fresh eggs(1) 2 lb. fresh yellow onionsThat is a lot of stuff for $25. You can also order special meat deals for between $17 and $18, as long as you purchase the box. The menus change every month. We're going to try it and see.I'm gonna have Faith in the morning, and be at Del's by 1. He got an order for 50 watermelon that he needs to deliver by 11am Friday. He's going to go to Columbia tomorrow evening, so he asked me to close up for him. I'm not sure if I already wrote that I made signs the other day. Tomorrow I'll try and take some pictures. They look pretty good. The only downside is that he wanted the prices on them, and we all know how often he changes the prices. I guess I'll be cutting and taping and covering things up. Either way, it's all in a days work.My house is still clean. Miracles do happen! Not sure how it will hold up tomorrow. I'm getting lazy again. It was bound to happen!Well, Brandi wants me to lay in bed with her, and I think I just might be in the mood for a little snuggle time. Until next time....

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