Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Mixed Blessing

Good evening! I have been busy, busy, busy. Got up around 8, showered, fixed lunch and snacks for the kids, feed kiddos breakfast, and off we went. Paid the power bill on the way to work. Yeah, we will have lights for one more month! Okay, seriously, I'm in a mood. A good mood. I've been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning since I got home. It feels good to have the ENTIRE house clean at one time! Not that I expect it to stay this way long! Anyway, Nicole and I had a talk today and I will no longer be taking Faith with me to work. This is my mixed blessing. I hate to dissappoint Del, (who was very understanding, by the way) but I like the idea of hanging around the house a little. I have not had time to sit and relax lately. The kids are happy since they will get to enjoy the pool more often. I will not get behind in the housework, I can enjoy my kids, and I will still be able to work evenings for Del. It all works out! I started a new book yesterday. It's the newest Mary Higgins Clark called "I've Heard That Song Before". So far it's okay. I'm not too into it where I can't put it down, but it has my attention. I still have the newest Dean Koontz, but I want to wait to read that one until I can devote one whole day to it. Maybe a Sunday soon. Father's Day is this weekend. We will be stopping by my dad's, Junior's dad's, Del's, and then the kids want to do something special with Junior. We'll probably go out to eat somewhere. Maybe even do a little fishing! I know Junior would love that!

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