Monday, June 11, 2007

What a day! I said this morning that Bear did die. I was worried about how Brandi would react when I told her that he ran away. (His mom is outside, so I was gonna say I put him with her last night to see if she could get him to feel better) Anyway, Kasi and Ryan both asked where he was when they got up. Boo never even asked. She still hasn't. I hope we just move on and forget all about this whole mess.I am just now able to sit down and have a moment to myself. When I got home this evening, I watched Army Wives while folding laundry, then have been cleaning the house since 9. I mean scrubbing the bathroom and kitchen floor cleaning. This morning I put a pork roast and veggies in the crock pot and let it cook all day. The kids LOVED it! Brandi, who normally eats next to nothing, ate two servings. I don't like stew (string meat, right mom?) so I had a lean cuisine. I dread the scale in the morning. I think I might skip the weigh in this week. We'll see how I feel in the morning. I worked for about 6 hours today. We were a little slow until around 5. Then we got busy. I'm going early tomorrow, around 10. Junior will be here to get Faith and bring her to me. I hope to stay til around 7 like I've been doing. Jean made a comment today about me getting my license. I just laughed at her and said that Ryan will probably drive before I do. Not to change the subject, but Brandi just walked in here (yes, she's still up) and asked about Bear. I told her the "story" and she said, "Okay. Ollie's my cat now." Funny how they bounce back, huh? Anyway, I'm beginning to see Jean's sense of humor come out and she's quite funny. She loves to tell stories about her and Del's "early years", and their life in N.J. I can't say enough how glad I am that I have had this opportunity to get to know them, and that my kids love them. They are such good people.I'm guessing that's about all I have to say for tonight. Hopefully I will find some time to write tomorrow. Goodnight. Sleep tight. Don't let the bud bugs bite! (that's really pretty gross, huh

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