Friday, June 1, 2007

This Sucks

I am miserable! Every time I lay down, my nose starts running. Finally I gave up and have been playing computer games for the past 2 hours. I'm soooo tired. I don't like taking medicine on the nights Junior is working. I'll just have to suffer and hopefully soon I won't be able to keep my eyes open. I also had a ton of caffeine today. I normally don't have any. I went and sold produce for a little while, but I think Del felt bad for me and had Jean bring me back home. I must have looked pretty bad! She even stopped and got the kids something to eat so that I wouldn't have to cook. They are so sweet! I'm gonna try and bring Faith with me tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. Tuesday she was there for a little while and she stayed on the blanket the girls had. I hope she's good cause I make good money over there and I need to be able to go. Del is hooking up power in the building this week, so then the kids can have someplace cool to hang out. He's gonna put a TV and stuff in there. He said maybe even a bed. That would be really cool. He bought a snow cone (icee) machine yesterday. That was fun to play with today. He is really getting a lot of different things going so I hope this works out. The more money he makes, the more he pays me! I would still do it even if the pay sucked or even if he didn't pay me. It's fun. I basically sit and read or listen to my ipod, help the customers when they come. We had one man stop today who was Greek or something. He had his daughter translating. He wanted a deal on tomatoes. I gave him a break. He showed me a picture of his family. Eight children, all girls! Can you imagine the hormones in that house! He was a very nice man! I hope he comes back! I like talking to the people who stop. Working at MickeyD's, most people were rude and acted like they were better than you. I'm telling you, it takes a different type of person to work fast food. Yes, I am different. I know it. I accept it. Whatever. I ROCKED the grill. I was and still am the best. I know, mighty big head I have. But I'm just telling the truth. I have this weird compulsion to master things. I have to be the best, or should I say I put my best into everything I do. I think I'm getting delerious fron lack of sleep. I'm talking like I am full of myself. I'm really not. I'm actually a shy and quiet chick until you get to know me. Then, watch out! Okay, that's enough of that!I should try to go lay down. Ryan is going with Del again in the morning, which means I will be up at 6. Less than 5 hours from now. My clock says 1:06. This really sucks! I am going to be even more miserable tomorrow, because I will be cranky from lack of sleep and not feel well. Watch out world! It is not going to be pretty!

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