Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sick Day

Brandi decided to take a sick day today. I had to pick her up from school yesterday, and her tummy still hurt this morning. No puking, no butt trouble....she just cries every now and then that her tummy hurts. I push on it, and she doesn't scream or anything, so I don't know what's going on. If it still hurts tomorrow, we'll go see the doctor. Needless to say, I got nothing accomplished yesterday, so now I'm doing laundry, and trying to motivate myself to bake. Usually I love to, but I just feel kinda blah today. My dining room table is covered in groceries that need to be put away. I did do the dishes this morning, so I am making progress. Baby steps, but steps nonetheless.Oh my. Boo just came in here, hysterical, saying she doesn't want to go to school tomorrow. I ask why. She says she'll miss me too much. Now I know why the tummy mysteriously hurts. I reassured her that she will have fun at school, and that I will be waiting here for her, just like every other day. Anyone have this same problem? How did you solve it? I need some advice here. The kid is breaking my heart.

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