Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Easy Come, Easy Go

O.J. was returned to his rightful owner. The cat was psychotic! Yesterday morning, boo was getting ready for school, and he jumped on her and scratched her up pretty good. I thought he just wanted to play. Then all day, if I walked to close, he would swat my legs. When the kids got home, kasi bent down to pet him, and he bit her. The final straw was when he attacked boo again. My poor kiddo was running, screaming, down the hallway, and the cat is clawing and trying to bite her, chasing her. That was it. He went right into the cat basket, and hubby took him back. Megan's mom said the cat does fine around her little ones, so I don't know if he smelled ollie or what, but he wasn't a good fit for us. Brandi was fine with him leaving, and we decided together that we will wait and look for a kitten, so it can grow up with her, and can be trained. Besides, I really think I want a girl cat this time.To those who do TT's, what do you think about the new "themes"? I'm not sure I'm digging it. I mean, I liked that I could be creative each week. I was going to post this week about mother's day, but we're now supposed to do a "gross" post. I think I might rebel and do my mother's day one anyway. Hell, I might just skip the whole thing this week.The kids have 3 weeks of school left. The last week they go, they have monday off, then 2 full days, then thursday and friday are half days. I don't get it. Then summer really begins. We have no plans right now. With hubby being out of work, vacation might be canceled until we catch up all the bills we're behind. That really sucks because we were looking forward to camping and fishing for a week. Maybe we'll be able to squeeze in a few days somewhere. I am looking forward to doing some craft fairs. Not just to (hopefully!) sell my stuff, but to see what everyone else is selling. I haven't been to a craft fair in ages, and I'm excited about it. Hopefully by july we'll have enough products and our license to do it.This weekend I am having my family over to celebrate kasi's birthday, my moms birthday, and mother's day. Next weekend ryan is going to the race with my dad, and kasi wants to have some girls over for her yearly slumber party. I go back to the boob doctor on the 22nd, and I'm curious to see what happens. My boob is the same, no better, no worse, so he may put me off for another 3 months. It's hard to believe it's been about 9 months that I've been having issues with it. I seriously just wish they would cut them off, or at least a good bit of them. I would lose like 30 pounds right there!Wow, I am fairly long winded today. I hope everyone has an amazing hump day! I'm off to clean brandi's room. Enjoy!!!

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