Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Quick Update

Can you tell how much better it looks?  I have been putting a lot of after sun lotion and a Jergens hydrating lotion on it, and it seems to be healing. 

I am looking forward to this weekend.  Not only is it Father's Day, but my grandmother and aunt are coming to visit, and I haven't seen them in years.  Brandi was so little she doesn't remember ever meeting them, so this will be good for her.  My aunt is only here for the weekend, but my Grandmother is staying for the whole week. 

I see a lot of swimming and cooking out in my future, which is awesome!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you will have a wonderful weekend! Hope you feel better soon.

jenn said...

Thanks! I am really looking forward to spending time with my family.

Crystal said...

OUCH!!!!! Dang girl, it was worse than that? Did u get sun poisoning?? Glad ur doing better and this weekend lather up in sun block!!!! And have LOTS of fun!!!

jenn said...

Crystal ~ I don't think I had sun poisoning...I never got sick or feverish...just really, really red. I have been loading up on the sunblock, and still enjoying the pool.

imelda said...

u have a very sensitive skin. glad that its healing now

jenn said...

Thanks imelda. It is feeling a lot better.

Frugal Vicki said...

I saw the picture a few posts ago...it seems to look WORSE! Ouch!

jenn said...

Vicki ~ it really is a whole lot better. The pink skin is healthy, and no longer peeling, which is a great thing!

sandy said...

Cook this wkend and leave the pool and sun to the others. That still looks very bad to me and is far from healed.

I sorta agree with Vicki, it doesn't look better to me. You look almost bruised.

I do think we...your blog mates need to come and do an intervention after all. You really won't be healed for about 10 more days.

Have fun though this wkend with family.


Kristi said...

Oh Ow! that's the place I got severe burns when I was a teen and I still can't expose it to sun anymore. Glad it's feeling better though.

jenn said...

Sandy ~ maybe it's just the picture, because to me, it really does look, and feel, better. I even swam yesterday afternoon, with lots and lots of sunblock, and it was fine. No more peeling, and the new skin is hydrated.

You all can totally come attempt an intervention...we can do it in mom's pool! lol! :)

jenn said...

Kristi ~ thank you. It is feeling better.

Forgetfulone said...

Better, but still painful.

jenn said...

Diana ~ it is so much better, and it no longer hurts! YAY!