Friday, June 20, 2008

The Princess And The Pea

I think someone finally took the pea out of my bed. After battling a toothache for a week or so, I finally felt better yesterday. I had been feeling a little better everyday, but last night when I went to bed I didn't take anything. This was around 11.I just woke up, and it's 11:15! Not to jinx it, but my mouth doesn't really hurt at all! Hopefully it will stay that way!I was in a cleaning mood yesterday. I started in the kitchen, and had the girls help me empty all the bottom cabinets. Seeing all the stuff I had that we haven't used since we moved 5 years ago, I decided it's time to de-clutter and have a yard sale. I was scrubbing cabinets, inside and out. Organizing. They look so much better now!I cleaned my desk, too. Now, I don't know about you, but my desk is where all the crap collects. Most of the time you can't even see it. It took me another hour just to do clean and organize that. I went through all the paperwork, cleaned out the drawer, and organized the shelves. It looks great now!I was ready to tackle the dishes, when I heard a noise. The kids had been outside in their kiddie pool, and it sounded like they had left the water on. I sent ryan out to turn it off, and he starts yelling that I need to turn the washing machine off. (my loyal readers know my washer has been overflowing because it's a piece of crap) I wasn't doing laundry, so I ran around the house to see what was going on. Luckily ryan knew where the main water shut off was, because a pipe had burst and flooded my basement. There was at least 2 inches of water over the entire floor. Major mess! So, I didn't have water for like 4 1/2 hours, so my cleaning came to a hault. And since I was cleaning out cabinets, I threw a lot of "forgotten" tupperware containers in the sink to be washed. That is what I get to do today....lots and lots of dishes! When hubby got home, luckily he was able to fix the problem. Turns out, the kiddos were playing hide and seek, and they went in my closet. If you remember, my closet used to be a bathroom, and they somehow hit one of the pipes that sticks out of the floor and broke it. Thank god it fell down to the basement or it would have flooded my bedroom, or even the whole house!Well, that was my day. I never sat down with a book, but I did get a lot accomplished. If hubby can get me a table built then I will do the yard sale thing tomorrow. If not, I'll do it next week, which might work out better...more time to collect things!

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