Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wisdom, My Ass

My wisdom teeth have been coming in for years, a little at a time. The past few days, one has been hurting SOOOOOOO bad. I have been living on ibuprofen and oragel. Last night I had to take one of hubby's lortab's just to sleep, and today I feel wiped out. I slept, but not good sleep. Know what I mean?This morning we went fishing for a few hours. I caught one, and kasi caught one. It was so hot, so we didn't stay too long. i got a little color, which is nice. I am getting pretty tan now, since I already burned. Today is my sister cheryl's 30th birthday, so:HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL!I know she doesn't read this, but there it is anyway. I guess that's about it for me. Hubby goes back to work tomorrow, and I'm babysitting again, so hopefully the kids will entertain themselves!

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