Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Special

This afternoon, hubby called to say that instead of coming home for lunch, he was going to get off early. We decided to find somewhere cheap to go eat. There is a Ryan's Steakhouse not to far, and my son thought they were having a special toady where fathers eat free. I wanted to make sure, so I called. This is what happened:

ryan's : hello. thank you for calling ryan's steakhouse. this is -----, how may I help you?

me : yes, I was wondering if you were running any specials for fathers day today.

ryan's : yes, we are.

me : great. what is it?

ryan's : well, our buffet is $.50 more today, making it $12 something per person.

me : wait. your special for father's day is that you are RAISING your price for today?

ryan's : yes, ma'am.

me : um...okay.

So I hung up, and we went to bojangle's.

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