Wednesday, July 16, 2008


If you're reading this, you made it through! I'm so sorry for all this, but hubby's family is being horrible. I am in the process of transferring this whole blog to a different, totally new URL, but it will take time. Once that's done, I will be good to go again. Until then, it's private.We made the decision that we are going to move. Soon. Like, instead of resting and healing, me and the kids are packing up the house. We put in an application for a cute little house...scratch that. Hubby just called and it was rented this morning. ARG.....that sucks! Our next option is for a duplex that is right across the main highway from here. It's more money, $450 a month, but it'll do. If we don't get that, I guess we're back to looking. I am just so overwhelmed right now, and I know things WILL work out, I just don't know what we're going to do in the mean time. Anyway, I'm off to try and relax a little before I go pack up some elephants!

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