Tuesday, July 22, 2008


It's almost 2am and I'm still up. Can't sleep. I'm too itchy, and I can not get comfy.I'm still sleeping in the recliner, and it's just not comfy. I can not wait until I can get back in my bed. I tried tonight, but it still feels like something pulls every time I lay on my side. I'm hoping once the tape comes off I won't feel so "tight".I set up a new blog! I am in the process of transferring all this over there, then I will close this one. I hate starting over, but I don't want hubby's family knowing I have one. I'm tired of being bashed on my space, and they are all just a bunch of ass wipes. We decide to move next week, monday and tuesday. Hopefully this week when hubby is off we can get over there and clean a little. I know I can't do much, but I can get things soaking. The kids did a good job today cleaning up around here. Ryan even made supper.....shake and bake chicken with fried rice and corn. I was very proud and impressed with the job he did. He's just growing up too fast!I guess that's about it. Have a wonderful day!

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