Thursday, July 24, 2008

My New Blog

I set up the new blog. It's totally different, nothing like this one. I know this is crazy, but I need to ask all of you not to link to me on your sites just yet. I don't want hubby's family to find me. Especially you, t. I know anita reads your blog, and I don't want her to find me. I am in the process of transferring all my posts to that one. I'm probably doing it the hard way, but that's okay. I'm skipping most of the meme's and all the thursday thirteens and heads or tails. I'm just keeping the family related posts. Once I'm settled with my internet at the new place, I'll direct you all to the new one. I'm not sure how long I'll be off line. Hubby has to call tomorrow. Power should be on tomorrow. They required a $550 deposit. We got a family friend to sign as guarantor, plus we had to put down $208. They will spread out the rest of the deposit over our first couple of bills. Water is included in rent, so we don't have to worry about that. I started packing up my kitchen today. It amazes me how much crap I have accumulated over the past 5 years. I still have so much to do. The good news is I am feeling better every day. I go to the doctor tomorrow, and I'm hoping the tape will come off. Or at least that I can get it really wet in the shower and it will work itself off. OMG...I almost forgot. I got the new sugarland cd today....I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! We didn't really have the extra money, but wal-mart had the fan exclusive for $11.88. Hell yeah I got it! I guess that's about it. I am going to be super busy, so if I disappear for a while, know that I will be back. Eventually!Oh, and carrie...have a wonderful, safe trip. I hope you'll check in while you're gone. I'll miss you!!!!!!

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