Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tomorrow's the big day. I am really nervous, but I know things will go well. I guess the biggest thing that can go wrong is that I'll be lopsided! Okay, I know the biggest thing to go wrong would be for me to die, but I'm trying to not think about that! LOL! The kids are spending 2 nights with my mom, since I need to be at the hospital by 6am. I need to pack them, and my own bag. They recommend I bring a button down shirt to wear home, but I don't think I even own one. I need to finish a few more loads of laundry, and make supper tonight, then I'm ready with a clean house. I guess I need to go get things done today. I'll try to post in the morning before I leave, but if not, I'll talk to you all in a few days!

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