Wednesday, August 20, 2008

at&t SUCKS!!!!

We switched to at&t a month or so ago, and I hate it. My internet connection sucks! I was spoiled with cable based internet. But, while hubby was out of work, our cable bill fell behind, and, we could not pay them. Which also means, as most of you know, I have been living with just channel 7 (cbs) on my tv. I was able to get nbc to come in, so I've been watching the olympics, but going from any and every channel imaginable, to NOTHING, just sucks.

So when hubby called to get at&t, they quoted us a monthly bill of $80 for phone and internet. Of course that did not include connections fees and modem fee, but they agreed to split that up over several months. So when we got our first bill of $155, we looked through it, and it seemed okay. We had a partial months on it, or so we thought, and the first of our installment payments.

Now, when we moved, we transferred everything here, and if you remember, I was offline for about a week while the idiots who work for them figured out what was wrong with my internet. It took like 6 guys 3 days of going to the wrong address and not knowing what the crap they were doing before it was finally hooked up. Oh, and as a side note, we found out then that their customer service was seriously lacking. My hubby finally told the guy on the phone that if they didn't have it fixed soon, he would wring the neck of the guy who showed up next in our yard. (I was furious, because they do not respond well to threats! BUT, the next day I had internet!!!)

Well, two days ago I got our second bill....for $249! WTF???? So hubby tried to call, because we can't make heads or tails of the bill, and the wonderful people at at&t just kept telling him he was speaking to the wrong department, and that he need to call this number, then THIS number, on and on for over 90 minutes!!!! Saying hubby was pissed is an understatement. Finally I told him just to give me the phone, and I'd call the number he FINALLY got from the 30th person he spoke to. I get put on hold forever, then a woman comes on, and I bluntly tell her I need to know why my bill is so high. She pulls it up, and says it's installation fees, and partial month billing, and they "forgot" my long distance last month, so they doubled up on that, and since we moved, they could no longer break up the fees, so it had to be paid in full. I asked what my "normal" monthly bill will be, since we were quoted $80. She says "about $110". I ask why it's not the $80 hubby was quoted, and she says "taxes". Hubby specifically asked the dude who quoted him the $80 if that included taxes, and he had said yes. He was lying, or just didn't have a freakin' clue!


What did I do about it, you ask?

I called our cable company, and requested cable/phone/internet for the apartment. I am so sick of at&t, and it's only been 2 months!!!! So, friday they will be here to hook up my phone, then next friday they will be here to do cable and internet. And the kicker? I am getting EVERY CHANNEL, movies and all, for $129 a month. Yes, that's only $19 more a month. (okay, so with taxes and all it will be about $147, but still a way better deal, because I will have TV BACK!!!!) You guys have no idea how freakin' excited I am!!!!!!

The reason I'm telling you this story? I will be offline for another week. I know, I know, you will all miss me terribly, and cry a river of tears, and, yes, I am totally full of myself! lol! But, when I return, I will be faster, and happier. Not like you would be able to tell or anything, unless I start putting happy faces after every sentence. :) Like this. :) Annoying yet? :) Can you tell I'm in a great mood? :) Okay, I'll stop now. ;)


Jennifer said...

hey there chick-a-roo!! :)

I am so happy :) for you getting new cable/phone and internet. :) that is great news!! :) We had a similar problem with Verizon when we moved.:( they sucked!! :( Majorly!:( They couldn't give me internet where we were moving so I canceled it... and made arrangemensts for cable internet :) well I get a bill from Verizon :( and it has the internet charge still. :( WTF??? So I call adn go through the entire SAME thing that you and hubby went through :( being transfered a million and EIGHT times, until I got some bitch that told me that I had to pay one months service even though I cancled it b/c that is their policy. :( WTF?? So I refused to pay it b/c I had never been told that... ever, even when I called to cancel it... But eventually we pd it b/c any time we sent extra money on our bill it came off that. :( whatever. :)

so all the channels :) less bullshit :) better bill :) FASTER internet :) life is good!! :)

I'm glad things are going well for you!! :)

As for your comments:)... Bryan was kneeling down in the back of the boat so it looked like he was driving alone... you can see part of his head in the one picture that is further away... if you look really close!! ;) Thank you about the girls:) I hope they stay cute, when they are as old as your beautiful girls.:) you know how some kids go through the gawky stage... your kids aren't. :) And yes, *BLUSH* that is me *BLUSH*... thank you.:) I have my hair dyed red by accident... Bryan and I just picked coloring by the pic on the box not really looking at it better or actually reading the color... duh!! :( and it looked okay then, but now it is fading and looking crummy. That is me from the Rascal Flatts concert about a month ago. :) thanks again. :) You know all us Jenn's are hott-ass mammas!! :) no doubt!!:) you definitely got some sexy going on, Ms Pretty!! :)

xoxooxoxox HUGS!!! xoxoxox

OH and yes!! I will miss you terribly. :( that sucks. thankfully we are going camping this wkend so maybe that will be part of the time and I won't notice as much that you are missing. :(

oh and did you notice my use of :)'s??? I hope so. b/c when you are happy :) i'm happy too!! :)

Carrie said...

Hey girl, if you are happy then so am I! We went through the same thing when we moved here last summer we went from one cable company to another then finally we got things worked out. It is a pain in the ass but I think it always seems to work out better in the end! for both you and me :0) I will miss having you around but it won't be forever! talk soon HUGS :0)

Rebecca said...

That sucks, just when I start getting back to blogging... and AT&T sucks! Oh wait, that's who I have my my home service... 8-)

Vixen of said...

You know how I feel about AT&T, the suckage is nationwide.

I will try to harness my tears over your absence and use them to water my plants, thus saving the world.


Crystal said...

Well piss on that, i'm SAD now! I want my Jenn and I want her now and EVERYDAY!!!!!!!! LOLOL!!! Everyones so happy over here I just couldn't fit in, had to be the different one! LOL! Let me know if you need me to post anything for you!!!!

Mom Knows Everything said...

I hope you are back soon! We can't get cable where I live (in the forest) so we have a satellite dish. It goes out every it rains or snow. Arggghhh!

Jennifer said...

You're right you will be missed!!
We had to give up our cable when we moved too, not because we were behind on the bill or anything but because we're so far out in the country now that it's NOT serviceable! We were willing to pay to have it ran from the last place but they won't even do that.

So we had to go with satelitte for tv & internet. Internet is okay, not as good as what we were used to but at least it's not dial-up ;)

But the TV package that we got doesn't have Nick (we opted for those channels only in HD right now)and we're all missing those shows.

Donna said...

Am sitting here.....waiting......patiently.....where are you!!!hughugs