Saturday, August 23, 2008

Brenda Photo Challenge ~ Sweet

This weeks theme is SWEET, and to me, there is nothing sweeter than my kids smiles!

To participate, go here.


Forgetfulone said...

Nothing sweeter than that!

Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

absolutely nothing sweeter! I posted a pic of my favourite sweet too *wink*
, my son.

Pop by and say hi. Im also hosting the next challenge.

Oh and your kids are just gorgeous too!

Shannon :)

Maria said...

Of course, there IS nothing sweeter than kids!
But: Take care that you dont eat them up (hehehe just kidding!)

Donna said...

Awwwww....These are INDEED the Best sweets of all!! Well done sweetie!!hughugs

Unknown said...

Very adorable versions of sweet.

Jeanne said...

Oh yes, kids are the sweetest of life. Love the way you show the shots too in B/W.

Brenda said...

They are for sure the sweetest! Thank you so much for joining us!

The Hallman Tribe said...

Those are SWEET smiles. Great job on the challenge, and beautiful photos too!

Mom Knows Everything said...

They are the sweetest!!!

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

For sure they are sweet and sweeten and inrich our lives!!

Donna said...

Aaawwww, they are adorable! Great job (on the photos and the kids, LOL)!

Joni said...

very SWEET indeed!

Unknown said...

Best sweet I have seen. They are so cute and I like how you did these in black and white.

Joan said...

Your children are beautiful...You should be so proud.

Amanda said...

There is nothing sweeter than our children. And the kitten is so sweet too!
Amanda x

Karen M said...

Those smiles are the sweetest pictures posted! And they don't make us gain weight!!

So glad you participated in the challenge.

Sharon said...

That's so lovely. Great sweets!


Carrie said...

Those smiles are in deed very sweet. Your kiddos are adorable!

Crystal said...

HAMS!!! LOL! Yeah, even the cat!LOLOL!!

Jennifer said...

those smiles are really sweet to me too... and really this is NOT the pms talking now... they are just too gorgeous (okay okay... handsome for Ryan) for words!! :)

so sweet they make my heart skip a beat. ;)

xoxoxox mwah!!! BIG hugs to you all!!