Saturday, August 30, 2008

Camera Critters ~ 4

this is the snake we caught in ryan's minnow basket
to participate, go here.


bcmomtoo said...

I really don't like snakes, but this one is little enough that he's kinda cute.

Forgetfulone said...

I can't stand snakes! I'd be running for the hills! No, there would probably be more snakes there, so I'd be running for somewhere there is a lot of concrete.

Jane Hards Photography said...

We have no snakes on the Isle Of Man, thankfully. This how I like them virtually.

Kahshe Cottager said...

It is a small snake - more like a big dew worm - but I am still happy that I don't have to hold it! I am guessing someone else held it while you took the picture ... that would be the only way I would get this photo! lol

Have a wonderful weekend!
My Camera Critters Here and Here

ratmammy said...

cool photo, but i wouldn't touch that snake...

Unknown said...

Looks like bait to me ;)
we are heading down to my brother-in-laws and plant to do some fishing and have a picnic.
Hope your weekend is going well.

Carrie said...

that is definately a critter...eeeks, I hate snakes!

I guess I should go get my camera critters postedk!

Misty DawnS said...

Hehehehe - most people will freak out at this... but, I think he's cute hehe

Mom Knows Everything said...

I'm scared to death of snakes!

i beati said...

got too many at my house thank you very much sandy

Kelly said...

Cute snake, am sure glad I wasn't the one holding him though!!! I bet your son didn't mind it too much...

Webradio said...

Hello !

dangereux les serpents !

Jennifer said...

Very cool!!

it might just be the pic... but the bottom of the snake looks like a worm to me... I like snakes though. i didn't realize that i did like them... just they didnt' matter to me one way or another... i wasn't affraid of them until we were at a bday party and they had a reptile show... they guy had a big snake... not sure of the name now... but it was awesome... he let the kids all hold it and then let us hold it too... it was so cool feeling... i kind of want one now... but i hate mice so i wouldn't want to have to hold them in order for it to eat. ugh.

great pic.


PS hope school is going good for the kids and that you are still enjoying your time home, w/ some peace & quiet. :) Trevor heads off tomorrow for his first day.

he is anxious and i'm sort of ready. ;)
