Monday, August 18, 2008

I Did It!

A friend talked me into doing the myspace thing.

If you are on there, let me know and I'll come find you!

Or you can look for me, if you know the right name to use!

I'll email it to you if you ask nice enough! :)


Vixen of said...

Welcome to the DARK side. I have had a myspace account for years to keep track of my youngest (now she keeps track of me, ha ha). Email me yours and I will request you as a friend, because I can't tell you how to find mine because I am not a myspace geek and I can only find it because I have to log in, LOL.

Milly said...

I would have to learn more about myspace to be able to find you, but I like your blog and would try.
Happy blogging

Crystal said...

I don't have a myspace but Sam does!! I tried looking for you but couldn't find you!!!! Type in Samantha Mathis and you can get her and request to be her friend. I'm always on her page!!!