Monday, August 18, 2008

Fed Up

You know what?

I woke up this morning tired of not being able to be myself.

So I say...screw them! (okay, crystal, you know what word I really used!)

This is very much more me.

I even, gasp, used my own picture!!!!!

So, what do you think????


Carrie said...

That is MUCH better Jenn! Welcome back :0) I just love the picture of the kiddos, they look sooo happy and why shouldn't they???? they have the best mom ever! Oh and I love your profile picture.


Rebecca said...

Okay, I know I totally suck!! Okay, I'm going to need to update your links and everything - is this your main blog now?

I promise to be more regular now! :) Happy Monday!! :)

jenn said...

frigga ~ yeah, this is the main one now. I still have my journey private, but my craft one is public too.

Crystal said...

YAY YOU!! YOU ROCK JENN!!!! And yes, I know which word your WERE going to say! I saw that you changed your picture. I am SO glad! Just be you. If anyone doesn't like who you are, what you stand for and all that other stuff well, YOU know how I WOULD have finished this statement!;o) Love you woman!~ It's nice to see you finally coming out of your shell. (((HUGS)))

Jennifer said...

yay!! and you are right... fuck em!! they can't run your life... and obviously they can't ruin it like they were trying to either. you are who you are... and we LOVE YOU !!! and your family too!! :) You are the best so they are most likey jealous buttwipes, so who cares!!

I LOVE the picture of you!! you are so freakin' gorgeous!!! :)

keep up the cheery happiness and forget about those LOOSERS!! all of em!! ;)

xoxoxox mwah!! love you!!

PS since I'm from NY I can say fuck... it really isn't as bad as it seems... or as bad as it would be if you, a southern lady-like lady were to say it!! lol :) some times you just have to say it!!

Welcome back to just being You and blogging!! ;)

jenn said...

jenn ~ well, since I spent 20+ years growing up in NY, I say it all the time! I just don't say it on THIS blog cause my dad reads! lol!

Donna said...

Well, you know, I wondered...because it was easy to get to your blog Anyway...I wouldn't worry about them anymore Anyway....You've got Better things to talk about than sadness, upset and stress!
I love your picture sweetie!! and the did Hubby take the news??hughugs

Christine said...

Oh you gorgeous woman! I stand behind you completely. BE YOURSELF and screw everyone who can't deal with their own issues! I got a big smile seeing the page load with your kids as your banner and your beautiful face in your profile pic!

Vixen of said...

Fark 'em!

I love your profile picture!

Unknown said...

What Vixen said be you.

Jennifer said...

Good for you Jenn!

Milly said...

Nice Picture and nice change. you look ready to blog LOL

Forgetfulone said...

Love your profile picture. First day back to work for me, and I'm exhausted. I hope to catch up with you more tomorrow!

Missy said...

Such cute pics! Love all the smiles! Perfect banner and profile pic! Way to go!!!

Missy said...

Jenn one last thing- From an earlier post-how cool that you were born in Ok, me too, I was born in Tulsa and then we moved here when I was 7 how cool!

Mom Knows Everything said...

I think it's great Jen!!!! LOVE IT!