Sunday, August 17, 2008


My son has his minnow basket in the creek all night, and this morning he pulled it up. Besides the usual minnows and knotty heads, he pulled up two of these little guys. Are they crayfish? Crawfish? Is there a difference? All I know is that they are fiesty little suckers! Ryan put them in his fish tank to show hubby when he gets home. So help me out guys. What are they????


Donna said...

LOL...That's a CrawDad honey!! You dig 'em up, usually found on a banks edge, and SOME people Eat 'em!! EWWWWW....I always just left 'em alone!!Hahaha...Happy day!hughugs

Jennifer said...

LOL!! I was going to answer just like Donna above.
It's a CrawDAD LOL!!
I imagine you'll get different answers by region too. ;0)

As for eating them, no thank you.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Hey I thought they were all the same thing. ;o)

Mrs. Carney said...

Crayfish and crawdads are the same thing. They grow to be fairly large in size. When we lived in Cali, TJ brought two home for our fish tank and they grew to the size of small lobsters. They are neat, but they eat small fish so Ryan needs to be careful as to what he puts in the tank with them.

Forgetfulone said...

If you live by the bayou in Texas, it's called a "crawdad" (said with thick, hick, accent.) Probably not fit for eatin'. LOL

Carrie said...

my guess what the same as above. Looks like a little miniature lobster!

Jennifer said...

here in NY we call them crayfish mostly. and I wouldn't eat em' either.

cool that he is finding all these things and right in your backyard. :)

very cool!!


Crystal said...

LOL!!! They're really good! You should try it Jenn! Round these here parts we even have Crawfish boils with these here varments! Add seasoning with cut up potatos, sausages and corn on the corn! YUM!!!

Crystal said...
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Crystal said...

Well hell...Corn on the COB!!!

jenn said...

I was wondering what corn on the corn was! lol!

Christine said...

LOL! Well, you already got your answer, but we call them Crawdads or crawfish too. AND, they're quite delicious with their tails fried in butter...very similar to shrimp! I know not everyone likes them, but they're GOOOD! My parents and I used to go camping and we'd catch a whole bunch of them for dinner. :D