Monday, August 11, 2008

Quirks Meme

The totally amazing and wonderful diana at forgetfulone tagged me for this, and I just have to play along, seeing as how she is such an amazing friend!

Here are the rules:
Link to the person who tagged you.
Mention the rules.
Tell six quirky, yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged.
If you participate, let the person who tagged you know you've posted your quirks!

1. I hate when my hubby and kids kick off their shoes and leave them by the front door. This drives me nuts. I mean, how hard is it to put them away? (I, on the other hand, have 3 pairs of flip flops and my slippers by the door, but since I have to clean around here anyway, this doesn't bother me. I know, unfair!)

2. I, too, fold my towels a certain way. If kasi folds them, I will unfold and fix them.

3. 99% of the time I wear my hair up. It's really long, and I don't want to cut it, but I hate the way it looks in the front when it's down. Maybe I need a new style, although I'm not one to spend hours on my appearance.

4. On that same note, I never wear make up. In fact, I don't even have any in the house. I haven't worn any since my son was born almost 13 years ago. I don't need it because I am naturally beautiful! ;)

5. I hate talking on the phone. I will blog and email and IM all day, but I hate when my phone rings.

6. I eat small things in two's....m&m's. pretzels. anything.

Okay, who to tag?????

carrie, christine, crystal, jenn, leigh, and frigga!


Jennifer said...

thanks for the tag. :) I will try this at nap time... IF we get a nap time... Brooke slept till 10:15this morning?? can you believe it?? wow.

I'm doing okay today. no real change in anything... and guess what it is doing out... raining!! ugh!

I am the same way with my towels. there is just a certain way i like them. lol

and with m & m's I just eat the entire bag, one right after another or two by two or three by three or sometimes by the handful... just shovin' them in. lol

have a good day!!

Carrie said...

I do the same thing with the towels....
I will try to get this meme done today...lots of unpacking to do :0(

Forgetfulone said...

You're amazing!

Glad to see there's another "towel-folder" out there. I do the same things with m&m's. Gotta have 'em two at a time. And I'd much rather email or message than talk on the phone! Great post. I'm so glad you did the tag.

Donna said...

I fold mine a certain way!!! Happy sleep sweetie!hughugs

Mom Knows Everything said...

I am right there with you on the shoes, towels and the telephone!!!

Milly said...

I hope you aren't hurting her feelings by refolding the towels.

I see you have been real busy with moving and In laws and such.

Glad your boobs are doing so well, isn't the medical world a wonderful thing.

Catch ya later........

Unknown said...

I do the towel thing too! Off to try this now!

Crystal said...

LOL! I do the same thing with folding the towels!!! William tries like hell to help out and I love him for it but if he folds them towels wrong I HAVE to re-do them too!!! Good post girlie, I'll do it;o)

Tammy said...

I been meme for this too! I guess I better do it. The shoe thing drives me crazy too. They seem to be every where when we walk in.