Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thursday Thirteen ~4

Thirteen Bloggers I Admire
written by crystal, my sister by choice, if not by blood
she is a single mom, making it on her own
a smart ass just like me
written by carrie, one of my bestest friends out in blog land
not only does she have 4 blogs that are all awesome
(you can find the links on her rantings blog)
she has 4 kids that keep her busy
check out her daughter dance...she is awesome
written by christine, my crafting hero
I wish I had half the talent she does
oh, and she is so sweet, always having a kind word of encouragment
knows all my crap and still wants to be my friend
love ya to pieces, girlie!
written by jenn, my newest bestest friend
she has beautiful twin girls, and a very handsome young son
she ALWAYS has an amazing sense of humor
and a potty mouth, just like me! :)
written by vixen, the talented
she is an amazing woman and writer
her poetry brings tears to my eyes often
written by tammy, my very first blog friend
she is generous with her awards, and her time
she made me christmas headers last year
and helped me figure out facebook
written by holly, who is awesome
her pictures (drawn with markers) bring her stories to life
I love her sense of humor..she makes me laugh on a daily basis
written by diana, another friend I am blessed enough to have
she also has twins, and is an amazing mom
her scrapbook pages are beautiful, and she has a huge heart
written by frigga, the mysterious
this woman can take beautiful pictures
check out her photography blog, too
(there's a link on any apples)
written by miss donna, who I adopted as my second mother
I can not even put into words how much I adore this woman
she is kind, and supportive, and funny
oh, and she gave this world the amazing crystal, which makes me love her even more! lol!
written by sabrina, aka missy
you can not NOT love this chick
she has a wicked sense of humor, which her son inherited from her
as luck would have it, we live close to each other
someday, we will meet at micky d's, and just laugh
written by mel, another hilarious lady
she's another one who has me laughing daily
written by leigh, who I am lucky to call my friend
she also has a dollhouse blog and a wicca blog
she is truly amazing
There you have it. Thirteen of my favorite blogs.
What's your favorite blog?


soleil said...

thanks for introducing us to your blog buddies. that's a great idea for a tt. i always like to find new blogs to read.

happy tt ;)

Michelle said...

Awww, what a sweet TT. Fantastic idea. I loved it. Sounds like you made some great blogging buddies. Happy TT!

SandyCarlson said...

You name spirited, honestly, bright women. Great list!

Emma Sanders said...

That's a nice list. New blogs to read! Awesome!

I noticed your daughter's name is Kasandra...that's my sister's, name, and you spell it just like hers. It's unusual to see that, so I thought that was very cool!

Donna said...

Awwww....little girl!! You Always seem to know when I need that little "boost" in life....I love you babydoll....mammy

Crystal said...

YOU SO SWEET!!!! ME LOVES YOU!!!!!! And your blog is my favorite too;o) I love you jenn!

Milly said...

Way to go girl, some blogs I know and some I'll check out. Nice tt

bernieg1 said...

Those are some blogs I have yet to hear of. I will have to get around to checking some of them out.

13 Top Books for Muslim Children

Forgetfulone said...

Thank you! And you have a heart of gold. I like this idea for TT! Great one!

Hootin Anni said...

What a super idea for thirteen!!!

My 13 are listed, I do hope you can find time to stop over! happy thursday

Gattina said...

I wouldn't know whom to choose, lol !

Jennifer said...


It's me!!

I know it has been soooooooooooooo long that you may not recognize me... but it really truly most definitely is me!! :)

Oh how I have missed you!! :)

My computer was being a total bitch!!

I love your TT and I'm flattered that I'm on your list... of course I knew I would be!! :) lol

LOVE YOU!!!! :) I'm off to read some more posts that I have missed. :)

xoxoxoxoxo mwah!!!

Tammy said...

I love TT's about other TT's. I don't have time to go to all of them, right now but I'll be back to check them out. Great TT

Christina said...

Great way to display your favorite blogs and an amazing way to show them how they have changed you!!

Happy TT!!

Rebecca said...

WhooHooo I made the list!! The mysterious eh? Thanks for the link love!!! I'll be back to visit the other 12 :)

Anonymous said...

thank you!! i am so honored to be listed amongst your favorite made my day!!

Texasholly said...

Thanks so much for including me. That is sweet. This is a great idea for a TT. I haven't heard of many of theses so I am off to explore. Thanks for sending your friends my direction! of my favorite blogs that always is good for a laugh and a sweet story is Tootsie Farklepants' Vintage Thirty:

Vixen of said...

I am honored to be amongst such great fellow Jenn fans! I have to tell you since you mentioned is TOTALLY mutual. I really admire you and your spirit, craftiness, mommy skills and your good heart. Thanks for adding me and for mentioning my poetry.

Have a wonderful day!

Carrie said...

Jenn you are the bestest! :0) Great idea for TT!

Oh and I just registered the kids for this years dance classes and other than Trinity doing 8 dances this year all I have to say is.....
OUCH $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

another video to come!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Awww you made me cry!!! Thank you, you are such a sweet friend! I'm lucky to have you!

Missy said...

sniff, that was so sweet Jenn, thank you, I am so teary eyed. When I started this blog it was for family to keep in touch and I never thought anyone would be interested in the happenings of The Pauline Goat Ranchers. But I have met, through the internet some beautiful spirited women, you being one of my top bloggie buddies and friends. I am so excited that you thought of me for Thursday Thirteen!

Thanks you, you made me day!