Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Haven The Best Friends!!!!

Look over there on the right....see new badge???? Isn't it beautiful!!!! The totally amazing and wonderful tammy made that for me!!!!

Now, make sure you grab it, and display it proudly on YOUR blog. If you have one, let me know...I want yours too! If you don't have one, you should get one, so I could display it proudly for you HERE!

So go...grab it! :)

Oh yeah, and I'm totally not hiding anymore! I think the snoopers have found me...AND I DON'T CARE!!!! So, update your enjoying the ride links to this one! I'm again a free woman!


Vixen of said...

It's SOOOO perfect! Hooray for Tammy!

Barb said...

Tammy is such a sweetheart!

Mom Knows Everything said...

You are very welcome my friend! :o)

Missy said...

good for you about being free!!!

what did Tammy make a badge for your page? Im still new to the lingo.

Jennifer said...

I'm going to snatch that right up and show it proudly on my blog!!! :) eff the snoopers and let em see whatever they think they are going to get a peek at... you are all doing GREAT and happier than ever... so let em see it. they are just jealous and ridiculous... oh well. it is kind of like you are famous and have the paparazzi stalking you. lol


love you!!

Misty DawnS said...

I'm grabbing it!!! Gotta go stick your badge on Misty's Musings now....... see ya!