Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Uh oh!

I was TRYING to delete the thingy over there..ya know, that list that shows when blogs are updated, because it never shows all my friends posts anyway, and then the phone rang, and I deleted MY link list! How I find you all!!!! I know some by heart, but the rest will have to leave me your links again! PLEASE???? And if you weren't on there, and want to be, let me know!!! I'm all about spreading the love!


Carrie said...

not bad Jenn, you got 3 out of my 4 blogs.... Let them be little (Trinity's dancing)is...

got to hate it when that happens... it won't be long before you have you long list of friends back!

Jennifer said...

I think I was on there ;0) at least my main one.
A Sample of Jennifer's Thoughts.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Your signs are lovely, by the way. Have a wonderful week dear.

Jennifer said...

Hi honey... sorry i have been MIA... things are crazy here... but you know all about it...

anyway... my blog is

I think. if it won't link to me, then I will try to find it for you... although i'm almost positive. lol

can you tell I have lost my mind. ugh... you may even already have my on there... damn, should have looked first. aw well... anyway... hope all is good with you and the kiddos and that you are enjoying your new TV channels. :)

xoxoxo love you!!

bcmomtoo said...

I see you remembered me! :P

Did you delete your old blog? I read everyone's posts through my reader, so if your posts don't show up, I forget to visit or comment. I'm gonna have to get this one in my reader now.

Misty DawnS said...

Don't know if you want me or not ;-) but here are my links...
and, of course...
