Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thursday Thirteen ~ 6

Thirteen Things I Need To Do
1. blog hop...I feel like I haven't visited most of you lately.
2. laundry...does it ever end?
3. dust...were does it all come from?
4. mow the grass...I'm looking forward to this one! :)
5. organize my room...when we moved in, I couldn't lift so it's a mess!
6. organize brandi's toys...they are thrown everywhere
7. start crafting...I have ideas for christmas I need to get going on
8. sleep...I need some!
9. clean the bathroom...THE WORST JOB IN THE WHOLE HOUSE!
10. mop the floors
11. clean out the fridge
12. put the groceries away that are sitting on my bar
13. relax...just a little!
to participate, go here.


SandyCarlson said...

I strongly suggest putting No. 13 at the top of the list! The dust and the grass will wait...

Hootin Anni said...

How does the saying go? A man's work is from sun to sun, but a woman's work is NEVER done.

I'm all for 1 and 13!!

Happy Thirteening.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! Can you mow my yard when you're done?? ;) That's quite a list. I hope #13 moves up the list a bit.

Happy TT

Candy Minx said...

#7 really hit home with me. I think I need to start making some things for the holidays too. You sound super busy. I like your term "blog hop". I need to do that too. Great reading your list and I hope you get most of it done this week so you can find that relaxing time just around the corner.

Cheers...and here is my TT list:

p.s. here is my TT list:

Kristi said...

Wow...that looks like a huge tackle it Tuesday in the making. Good luck!

Carrie said...

The list never ends does it Jenn! Remember to make time to get the relaxing part done!

take care

Anonymous said...

I'd rather clean the bathroom than mop...

13 pics from the 2008 Canada Outdoor Farm Show

Lori said...

I got tired just reading your post....nope, laundry NEVER ends. Happy TT. Dont forget to breathe;)

bernieg1 said...

We all have things we need to do or wish we could do. I can really relate to number on though. I have good intentions but I am always so busy at work and with family by the time I get a post up I am tired out!

My TT is up here.

SJ Reidhead said...

The other day I went to a friend's shop, got a 24X24 piece of foam board. On one wall in my condo I had individual photos - 12 year's worth - of my 2 nieces and nephew. Since they're all graduated, I did a college of the photos and am getting it framed. I was able to dump at least 36 frames! Great project.

Now, on to the cigar box hand-bags.

The Pink Flamingo

Meju said...

I am convinced aliens depost dirty laundry in my basket...I am sure my kids are not responsible! Happy TT.

Milly said...

I enjoyed your list and a lot of them are things that I would list too. There is always something that needs to be done.

Take a rest and jump back in, LOL

Anonymous said...

I need to do every single thing on your list too! Thanks fore reminding me that Christmas is coming way to fast. Yikes!

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I feel already tired when I only read your list !

Anonymous said...

hm, sounds just like the stuff I actually should do right now, but you know what? One thing at a time and I'm totally tied up in doing #1 and #13.

Greets Julia and Happy TT

Tammy said...

I think we have the same to do list! I hope you get everything done. Happy TT

Jennifer said...

hey there love bug. :)

sorry i have been a shitty friend and commenter... you know i love you though. :) <3

i like the T13 today. i need to do most of them too... except for the lawn... unfortunatly our lawn is half dead... the weather has been shitty here... cold at night and mornings and some rain then sort of warm during the day!! crummy. ugh.

anyway... i'm going to work on my house some today... although i find myself daydreaming and trying to find things on the computer for a house that we are thinking of buying... that is where i have been. i posted about it today.

but i will try to be better. promise.

thankfully i didn't get sick... Brooke was all better after that one morning and Lauren never got it or Bryan either.... i'm happy to report. :)

well anyway... i have to go clean my parents house... so i should get a move on.

xxoxoxoxoxx love you!! :)

Jennifer said...

PS i think you should start with #8 and # 13... just sayin'!



Rebecca said...

Yep, I need to blog-hop too! I have a week to go before it's laundry time :) Dust... ya I haven't done that since before Christmas :-0 I have no grass to mow... Okay, I'm ready for a nap - good luck getting to the bottom of that list!! ;-)

Forgetfulone said...

No, I don't think laundry ever ends! I'll clean your bathrooms if you'll grocery shop for me.

We're waiting and watching Ike right now.

Anonymous said...

Nope, laundry never ends. As to the dust - you don't want to know.

Crystal said...

The only one that I wasn't saying, Yep, me too is # 7 cause I aint got a lick of craftiness in me!!!!

JO said...

I need sleep and I need to relax too!

Here's my entry. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

laundry...yeah, thanks for reminding me...have to switch loads!!