Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wordless Wednesday ~ 2

If you would like to win one of these handmade wood signs (made by me) come back on friday to enter my contest!
to participate, go here


Forgetfulone said...

Thanks for coming by to see me On the Flipside today.

Unknown said...

Very beautiful love, I think the key racks should be a big seller for you.
Hope you'll pop by for my Wordless at The Cafe

Mom Knows Everything said...

I'm coming back on Friday to enter!!! You should have a badge, if you need help making one I would love to help you.

Vixen of Vixensden.com said...

You are so talented! I can't wait until Friday.

Rebecca said...

Awesome! I love the one for keys, I bet that will be very usefull!! :)

Happy WW :)

Jennifer said...

you are wayyy too talented. really. i love these. i think they are so nice... definitely a professional job. :)


Barb said...

You made those??? They are beautiful!!!