Saturday, October 11, 2008

Camera Critters ~ 10

Most of you know my son likes to drop a minnow basket into our creek and see what he can come up with. The other night we caught this sucker. This is the third snake we have caught, and they have all been different. Once hubby got it out of the basket, our cat, bob, had fun playing with it. The girls, of course, were screaming. It was pretty funny.
To participate, go here.


Mattyboy said...

I would have to say I probably would be screaming with the girls too! lol.

Carrie said...

Ok what is going on here. I was the last one logged in and Matt is at work.
Anyway once again Jenn....Mattyboy is me. GRRRR

Gemma Wiseman said...

Aaaagh! So many snakes are appearing on this round! I am freaking right out! But this is a great pic! Now I'm running!

Rose said...

I think I would have been laughing, too.

Teena in Toronto said...

I'd be screaming too! Ha!

I played too :)

Christy said...

I don't know that I would be screaming but I know I wouldn't be rushing to touch it. I am fine with snakes but they can startle me.

AppleDebbie said...

I would be screaming with your girls too! Lol!

Misty DawnS said...

Hehehehe - *rolls eyes* 'girls'. hehe

I got a photo of a snake this week too! It was sunning itself on our road.

Anonymous said...

That's the second snake I saw on CC today. I'm terrified of snakes, I would have been screaming right alone with your girls. LOL

Carletta said...

I'd be with the girls too!
Nice capture but not what I'd want in my minnow bucket.

ratmammy said...

this snake not too scary.... still, i'd rather be on the other side of the yard!

Mimi Lenox said...

Your peace globe has been placed in The Peace Globe Gallery.
You are officially peace globe #1121.
BlogBlast For Peace ~ November 6, 2008 is going to be awesome! See you there.

i beati said...

lots os snake movement this week- must be fall Sandy

Gretchen said...

Snakes and bugs. Not my idea of fun.

Jennifer said...

cool! i'm not affraid of snakes but i'm not too sure i would hold or touch that one... just b/c it looks kind of biggish and also not sure of what kind it is.

i always love seeing what Ryan catches in his minnow basket. very cool!!


Tootie said...

Oh my, there are sure plenty of snakes around this week. :-) I'll have to check back again to see what you catch next week.