Saturday, October 11, 2008

Woe Is Me

Again this morning, I am having trouble with entrecard. I was able to get on their site, but then when I tried to drop, each blog took forever to load, then said invalid when I dropped. I know yesterday some of you said you were having trouble as well. What about today? Whatever it is, I hope they fix it soon!

Anyway, we did end up going fishing for a few hours yesterday, and only caught a few sun perch. I caught one, and kasi caught three. Nobody else caught anything. I did snag a little baby turtle out of the water, that the kids now have in their fish tank. Ryan named him salmonella. (<- I don't think that's spelled looks funny...but spell check said it is) I think that's pretty funny! I have been cleaning like a mad woman this morning. The kids helped, so we were able to get done quickly. I'm trying to figure out where I am going to put my christmas tree. It's huge, and we have very limited space right now. Plus I have tons of decorations to put out. I am kinda excited to decorate the wooden bridge that is our driveway. I think it will look pretty with garland and bows. We'll see! The kids are doing good in school. I am having trouble getting medicaid to cover ryan's Ritalin since the doctor changed his dose, so I was on the phone with the doctor and insurance yesterday. My doctors office faxed them. they faxed my doctor back stating I had to call them. So I call the insurance, and they claim they never received a fax from my doctor. So tell me this, please. How can you respond to something you never received? Makes no sense to me, either. I have to go today and try to fill a 10 day prescription. Hubby is working so I had to call and ask my mom to take me up there. I hate asking her to drive me places, but I need to get this done before monday so ryan can go to school. I refuse to send him unmedicated, because he just spends the day getting in trouble for doing things impulsively. Hopefully I won't run into any problems.

I guess I need to go do some laundry. No matter how fast you want to get it done, it still takes forever. I mean, you can't make them wash or dry any faster, right?


Kristin said...

I can't even log on to Entrecard??!! My neighbor has the same issues with Ritalin and her son and having insurance cover it...I thought I was reading her blog for a second (lol, she doesn't have a blog..but too funny, how alike the probs are..but hope you get it worked out)

Jennifer said...

ugh. dealing with insurance companies just makes my head spin and my stomache hurt and gives me a HUGE headache. they are such assholes. really. my kids are with out insurance at the moment and of course we had a trip to the URGENT CARE for Lauren... i'm going to post about it later, she is okay, but it is going to cost us an arm and a leg to pay for it out of pocket. all b/c they are scumbags and didn't send the renewal thing. ugh!! i can't even tell you. then i called them the other day and they were too busy to talk to me, so i left a message and they never called back... then finally i talked to someone and they said that it could take up to at least 45 days to get them insured again. up to OR at least which one lady??

ugh!! Anyway... i hope you got it all straightened out and that things are still going well with Ryan. :)

glad to hear that they are all liking school and doing well. I also am wondering where I will put our tree in our new house... not sure if we will put it in the living room or the playroom. :)

i love christmas, but this year I'm stressing about finances and all that. thankfully the kids are little so they will LOVE everything they get and dont' really understand or notice if this christmas is a little smaller than other years.

anyway, rambling again, so i will talk to you soon.


Jennifer said...


I totally agree with you on the laundry. ugh! i wish i had one of the new front load washers that only takes a short amount of time to wash a load, but i guess i should just be grateful that i don't have to go the laundry mat and that i have my own washer and dryer!!

