Friday, October 10, 2008

I Am Such A Schmuck

My doctors appointment wasn't today. It's on the 15th. I have no idea why I thought it was today. I'm just glad I checked the card to see what time the appointment was and realized that it said wednesday, not friday. Hubby took today off and everything. So hopefully when the kids get home, if it's not raining, we are going to go fishing. Hubby went two nights this week, and caught two big catfish, both over 5 pounds. I want to catch a big fish, so maybe I'll get lucky tonight. (not THAT kind of lucky...I mean catch a fish! lol)


Carrie said...

That's twice today that I've seen the word schmuck....Once this morning in the letter you sent along with an amazing welcome sign! Thank you again :0) and the word schmuck again in this post. LOL!

We are having the most beautiful day with the weather. Oh got to go our new sitter is here!

Anonymous said...

So did you get "lucky"? hehehe

Missy said...

theres nothing wrong with "that" kind of lucky, I wish you tons of lucky, it's yummy!!! I likey me some lucky!!:} Mmmm wheres Sam at??? Gotta gooooo!

Forgetfulone said...

Maybe we should name you forgetfulone! LOL