Thursday, October 16, 2008


I grew up attending a Baptist Church, which I absolutely loved. Living In New York at that time, it was uncommon to be a member of anything other than a Catholic Church. I didn't mind being different because I loved my church. My best friends didn't go to school with me. They went to church with me. I remember Sunday School, and how we were supposed to memorize a bible verse every week. All these years later, there are still a few I can recite without thinking. I think most people know John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life, or 1John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I think this is the verse that best represents my life these days. Lord knows I do my share of sinning every day, but I still know that God is willing to forgive me, even if I'm not sitting in church every week. That is a ongoing battle in my house. I would love to take the kids to church, but hubby isn't ready. It would have been perfect if we lived in Silver Springs, MD, because CineMeetings & Events is hosting the first-ever Theatre Church Conference on October 22 & 23. Click the link to find out more. I think this would be the perfect opportunity to get my husband to hear what respected thought leaders, pastors and church leaders from the nation’s most innovative growing churches have to say. To find out more, like event schedules, check out their website. It sounds like they have a lot of interesting talks scheduled about the future of theatre worship. Again, to find out more, click the link, and find out how you can be a part of this wonderful opportunity.



Jennifer said...

um. hmmm... i'm not truly sure how i feel about church... i went to church while growing up. i was BF with the pastors daughter and since we were the same age we sort of grew up together. i have had sleep overs and tea parties and lot of family meals with my pastor and he also christening Trevor and married Bryan and I, I still have to get the girls christened, and I did go to Sunday School and all that... but now I have a hard time "getting into" church. I just sort of sit there and day dream, and I don't really pay attention. not sure what is up with me. and I don't mean to offend anyone at all by this. for a while my mom wanted to get back into going to church every Sunday, my father used to be decon in the church and everything, we were very much a part of the church family, but just got hectic lives and slowly faded out of it... so I made an effort to go with her a few Sundays in a row, and it did make her happy, but for some reason, I just couldn't stand being there. i know this sounds aweful, but it was what happened.
I'm not sure if all of this has to do with a lot of things that I have been through in my life, where I'm not sure if God was there or not, which is another horrible statement to make, but it is how I feel, I can't help it... so therefore I have the problem with church... not sure.

Anyway.. I would love to introduce church to my children, they know about God, but not really about church. maybe one day.

thanks for sharing this story. i hope you can get back into going to church and take your family too. :)

have a great day!!


Jennifer said...

Too bad you don't live closer to me, I'd give you and the kids a ride to church every Sunday if you wanted to go ;)

Sandi said...

I grew up in a Baptist Church myself. :) My grandfather was the pastor. I have fond memories as well.

GodsWordSays said...

Very well put. Finding that special place to call your 'church home' sometimes takes some time.


Carrie said...

I grew up going to a Baptist church then a few years back we got really envolved in the church with the kids programs, which they loved. It was AWANA (approved workmen are not ashamed) this was a great way for them to learn the Bible verses, learn about God and make new friends. Unfortunately now that we have moved we haven't found the kids programs that we are use to and the Churches are still pretty old in time with the hymn books and just an older crowd of people. It seems the younger families just aren't going to church????

Blake went along to the summer Bible camps with the other kids and loved it and he is still reciting one of the Bible verses he was taught.

"God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good"
Genesis 1:31