Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I have a new favorite food. The shocker? It's actually something good for me. Edamame. Yes, these little delicious soy beans are my new obsession. I ate them for lunch and dinner yesterday. That's right. Just them, nothing else. I cook them, covered, in the microwave, then add some sea salt. The kids love them too because they are fun to eat, sucking them out of their little pods. I know I probably sound like I've lost my mind, and maybe I have for a little. It's just that they are SO GOOD!!!!


Anonymous said...

I keep hearing about these. I shall have to get some and try them.

Kristin said...

Like Vixen..I have never tried them either..but, you have peaked my curiosity now. I honestly never thought they would taste good..but I get the vibe that we like a lot of the same things..so maybe this is no different..I will let you know!

Anonymous said...

i must admit it was just now that i heard about this. i might try them someday.

hope your day went well. take care!

Tammy said...

They look really good but I have never heard of them. I'm going to be looking now. I can get them in the produce section of my grocery store?

Crystal said...

Never even heard of them before. They look good.