Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Kasi didn't win the election. She doesn't know the girl that one, which is kinda good because one of her friends was running against her. If her friend had one, I think she would have taken the loss harder. She's resilient, though, and looking forward to running again next year.

She's getting excited about our upcoming halloween/birthday bash. I feel bad she never had her party in may, but now I think it's a good thing. The kids are now at that age where mixing them together (boys and girls) makes it more fun. A lot of the games I'm planning can be played boys against the girls. Wonder who will win more?


Rebecca said...

Well duh, of course the girls will because Girlz Rule and Boyz Drool!! haha

Oh sorry, my inner child escaped for a moment, I'm better now. :)

Missy said...

Way to go to Kasi for trying ! Thats still totally cool!!!
And how cool a halloween party!!! I wish I was a kid again just for that reason!!

Jennifer said...

I'm still very proud of Kasi for trying and doing her best. That is all that really matters anyway. :) she will try again next year and who knows what will happen... she could win class president!! :) She is such a good girl... I'm sure she'll do other great things!! :)

That is awesome that they are having a bday party bash/halloween party together!! :) i'm glad everyone is excited and looking forward to it!! :) excellent.

you are the coolest mom!!

I hope the girls kick the boys butts!! but don't tell Ryan I said that. lol!! ;)

xoxoxo love ya all!

Anonymous said...

that's so sweet, hope they stay friends

Tammy said...

I love Halloween parties! They are so much fun. I love your spooky look to you blog too!

Crystal said...

Hope they all have a wonderful time:) Sorry she didn't win but tell her not to give up for any future ones.