Thursday, October 9, 2008


I am convinced I have a migraine. I have tried everything to get rid of it. I've taken excedrin. I've tried relaxing in the tub. I tried taking a nap. The kids aren't allowed to speak. I just want to curl up and die, but I have things to do. What do you do to get rid of your headaches?


Donna said...

Well, if you can't get rid of it, see a chiropractor sweetie...sounds like a bone is out of place...and until it's put Back in place, you'll keep having the headache...Love and miss you too!!!hughugs

Kristin said...

Ice pack, Ice pack, Ice pack! Mind you, it does not get rid of my headaches, but it numbs it, it really does..and makes me feel so much better. I suffer from bad headaches too...Feel better!

Forgetfulone said...

You should see a doctor. I went to the doctor yesterday and got some medicine for my migraines. I'll let you know if it works or not. They've been really bad lately. Sometimes the only thing that helps is sleep.