Monday, October 6, 2008

My Peanut Decided To Grow

With the weather getting cooler, I have been having the kids wear pants to school. Especially since it is still dark and chilly when we head to the bus stop. I say bus stop, but it's really the end of our driveway. Anyway, last week, I had rouble finding jeans that fit boo. It seems she had a growth spurt over the summer. She has a ton of pants that fit, but no jeans. So we went to some yard sales on saturday, and I found her some more pants (4) and skirts (2), but no jeans. They lady had them marked $2 each, but it was almost noon when we went, and she was wanting to close up, so I got all of it for $3.00. Not too bad. I am on a streak for finding bargains!


Carrie said...

Great bargain finds!

bcmomtoo said...

Go, Jenn! It makes you feel so good when you get a great bargain, doesn't it?

Jennifer said...

GOOD JOB!! I love bargains like that!! you should check out the salvation army or the good will if you all have one around you can get some great deals!! :) I know I have go look for some pants/jeans for the girls... Brooke prefers to wear ONLY jeans... that little picky petunia!! ;) LOL
