Monday, October 6, 2008

Today I Get The Bad Mom Award

Brandi's bus was late today. I left the house at my normal time, 2:25, to walk down to the bus stop. The bus usually gets there around 2:30. By 2:45 I was getting a little worried. A few minutes later it finally pulls up, coming from the opposite direction. Peggy, the driver, calls me over and says brandi was upset. It seems that on mondays, the school has started their Good News Club after school program, and a lot of bus riders have joined. This means the bus comes earlier on mondays. Since I wasn't down there the first time they came by, peggy (the bus driver we've had for the past 5 years who we love and trust completely) did the right thing and had brandi stay on the bus. That did not go over well with my child. She thought I left her. And you all know boo already has anxiety problems. She was hysterical when she got off the bus, and my heart just broke. I finally calmed her down by promising to leave for the bus stop earlier every day, just in case she came early, like today. Man, I feel like such a crappy mom right now.


Jennifer said...

awww.. I feel bad for both of you. :( breaks my heart too.

i was always a worry wort when i was younger so if that happened to me, i would have been so panicked that i wouldn't have ever been able to get back home. :( I totally feel where Brandi is coming from. sweet thang, I hope she is okay now.

as for you.... YOU MISSY... are NOT a bad mom... but I know what you are feeling too... last year when Trevor was in pre-K... yeah, Pre-K... not even kindergarten, I missed him off the bus like three times... ugh!! not sure why or how, but it was probably a combo of me being a tad bit late going out the driveway and the bus being a little bit early... but thankfully the bus driver, who we also know and trust fully brought him back after dropping off some other kids... Trevor, being the brave, daring little soul he is didn't even care.... I was way more upset than he was. :S

WEll here are some hugs for both of you!! ((((HUGS!!!)))))

xoxoxo lots of love!!

Rebecca said...

Oh sweetie, life happens! You shouldn't be hard on yourself. I know it's hard for Brandi to understand, but it couldn't been worse. There not a single child of my parents (remmeber now, there's a LOT of us) and at one point in time (at least) we've all been completely forgotten. Not just picked up late, but completely forgotten. For me it was at the dentist office, I had to walk several miles home that day. :( I know my mom still loves me just like Brandi knows you love her. :)

Missy said...

Awe, how pitiful. Jenn your a great mom, just make her favorite dinner and lots of snuggling and she'll be as good as new.

I got Alex a cell phone,this summer so that if I was running late and he wasn't with me, he wouldn't freaks out.( He tends to be a bit dramatic, lol) I have been on him about not leaving it and on him and one day he forgot it again and I was a few minutes late. He was in full blown panic. I held him and told him, this is a life lesson, dont leave without your phone.
He now makes sure its on him, lol. So the point of my story is that while he was freaked out he got over it. And all is right with the world again, lol!

I hope you guys have a great evening!
Big hugs to you all!

Carrie said...

It happens Jenn and that doesn't make you a bad mother.
talk to you later

Anonymous said...

You are not a bad mom, there was nothing you could do. You left at the regular time, how were you to know the bus was going to be late? I agree with Frigga above. I once completely forgot to get my daughter off the kindergarten bus (luckily the school called me with the bus outside rather than taking her back to school). She is in 4th grade now and has no recollection of it (of course, I still remember). Brandi will be fine, don't beat yourself up over it.

Anonymous said...

We've all been there. Hugs!

Tammy said...

I know it doesn't make you feel better but we have all done things like this. I'm sure she is over it already and you will remember it forever. That's being a mom.

Crystal said...

BAD MOM SHOULDN'T BEEN IN YOUR VOCABULARY GIRL...I caught Sam textn a boy Monday...What do you think they were talking wasn't about the weather if you follow me...I took everything away. My fault I guess for giving her the freedom to do it. Her choice to do it though. ya know?

Forgetfulone said...

I know it made you feel crappy, because I've done stuff like that and felt crappy, too. It's part of being a mom. But you know you are a great mom!