Monday, December 15, 2008

All Roads Lead To Home

In our house, we love doing things as a family. We have game nights, where we cook all kinds of greasy junk foods, and play rummy. We also have movie nights, where we all settle in to watch a family friendly movie with popcorn and ice cream. I will usually let the kids pick the movies, and they usually pick good ones.

All Roads Lead Home, The Movie, is coming out on DVD on January 13. It is a story about a young girl who goes to live with her Grandfather, because she is having a hard time dealing with her mother's death. Just watching the trailer made my eyes tear up. It stars Peter Coyote, Jason London, Vivien Cardone, Vanessa Branch, Patton Oswalt, and the amazing Peter Boyle. It looks like such a great movie, focusing on the love and acceptance of family, no matter what. This is a message that I want my kids to absorb. I am all about watching mindless, Hannah Montana movies sometimes with the kids, but I also want them to watch movies that have meaning and heart.

If you are planning a movie night with your kids soon, you should look into getting this movie. You can pre-order it now at the link above for about $25. That is cheaper than a family trip to the theater. Just make sure you watch it with your kids, answering whatever questions they have along the way. I know my Brandi. She is going to have lots of questions about death.

Maybe I'll just watch it with the other two.


1 comment:

Missy said...

Your babies are sweet hearts who have the best parents- you shouldn't ever worry about them where their family is concern-just a wonderful family- I am very blessed my family knows yours!!!