(jenn, don't kill me!)
I have heard mixed reviews about this movie. I loved the books so much, so I was keeping an open mind. As a rule, I hate seeing movies made from books I have read. They never measure up.
My mom and my youngest sister have not read the books, so they both enjoyed the movie. My sister Tami and I have read the books, and we both hated the movie. I think that is the key here.
Now, if you haven't read the book or seen the movie, but plan to, stop reading right now.
Why I loved the book:
- the characters were so well written ~ you got to know them
- the story sucked you in ~ you were rooting for bella and edward from the beginning
- the descriptions were awesome ~ I could see edward beckoning bella to sit as his lunch table (which they didn't even put in the movie....that was the first time they really talked!)
- how they talked to each other ~ stupid lamb/masochistic lion
- the meadow ~ enough said
Why I hated the movie:
- there was no character development
- it didn't follow the book ~ it skipped some of the best parts, and changed too much.
- jacob and billy didn't deliver the truck in the beginning ~ bella didn't reconnect with jacob until the beach, right?
- there was no meadow scene! This was so important in the book, it was the first time bella saw edward sparkle. Walking into a patch of sunlight just didn't do it for me.
- they had his bedroom all wrong!
- I don't remember him climbing trees in the book, did he?
- it was too rushed.
- rosalie wasn't beautiful enough
- they never talked about how james was the one who wanted to turn alice
- the "guys" never asked bella to prom. I think they had mike do it, but they were all supposed to
- at the end, bella knew they were going to prom. That's not right. In the book, she had alice dress her up, and she thought edward was going to change her that night. She had no idea about prom.
- it was just all wrong!
I could go on and on and on, but I won't. I was just very disappointed. The edward in my head was not the edward in the movie. I like the one in my head better.
What did you think?
You're right... to an extent. If you want to read my official review you can see it on my Grab Bag Reviews blog, but just in regards to what you posted here is what I think.
In order to enjoy Twilight the movie you must seperate it completley from the book. It's sort of like when they make movies based on real life situations. I'm sure a very small percentage of those movies are true to life. It's just the general idea of the story they're trying to capture. Now, Twilight did a better job than that, BUT the differences to Twi-Hards will indeed be significant. But you HAVE to separate the two. Try to appreciate the movie for it is, and hold the book high for what it is.
The first time I saw the movie I was so disappointed. And now? I've seen it 3 more times in the theater. :blush:
I'm going to see Twilight on New Years day with my thirteen year old daughter. She can hardly wait.
Fortunately we haven't read the books yet, so hopefully that will help!
I don't like to go to movies that I've read the book from first. They never fail to disappoint and spoil my own image of the story and characters.
If anything, I think it's best to first watch the movie and then read the books.
I didn't even watch the whole movie because it sucked so bad.
i totally AGREE with every.single. thing. you said. and then some. i think the movie sucked too, but now that it has been some time since i have seen it, maybe i have forgotten how bad it was, or maybe it is b/c i'm just so addicted to TWILIGHT saga that i'm thinking I would like to see it again and maybe i wouldn't be so disappointed... like i know what to expect now so i won't HATE it like i did.
i was so pissed/annoyed/aggravated and disappointed that night in the movie theater I couldn't even begin to tell you. I was like you, ready to leave after the first ten minutes.
the book was so much better, but I guess we just have to keep that in mind and just let the movie be just that... a movie. they are NEVER as good as the book! NEVER!
But, I am thinking of seeing it again... maybe. I am also going to re-read my books. :)
ttys. xoxoxox LOVE YA!!
I have to agree with you on a lot of your points, but I did like the movie for what it was....
Aside from that, the book WAS soooo much better, but then that is usually the case....it's because whatever each of us imagined, isn't up on that screen, and it is a disappointment.
But I did like seeing Edward brought to life, although he didn't come close to "My Edward" but it was still nice to see him, and Rob does have those smoldering eyes, and a nice smile. :)
I was also disappointed that my favorite line out of book #1 wasn't in the movie....when they have their first kiss, and he pushes her away because of how hard it is for him to control himself, and he says something like, "Dammit Bella, you'll be the death of me!" I just love that line! :)
Anyway, take care, and re-watch the movie, with the mind-set that it is a complement to the book, not the actual story....I think you will appreciate it more that way. :)
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