Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I went all through high school never having to wear glasses. I should have, because I couldn't see the blackboard half the time, but it wasn't until I started college that I went and had my eyes checked. I was set against wearing glasses, so I got my first pair of contact lenses. Back then, they didn't have disposable lenses, so I got the standard soft lenses. I threw them away within a week. I could not stand having something floating around in my eye. My eyes were constantly red and irritated. I know there have been many improvements in lenses the past few years, so I am thinking about giving them another try.

They even have this new things called LensAlert. It's pictured above. It holds you contact lens case, and can be set to remind you when to change your lenses, and your lens case. You can set the timer for up to 99 days for the lens case, and up to 60 days for the lenses. It helps you take the guess work out of when it's time for a new pair. This nifty little timer was even featured in the Woman's Day Magazine's "Products We Love" section. If you want to find out more about this product, and disposable lenses, check out the AC Lens blog.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I really want to try contacts... although I like how I look with glasses better than without... I'm thinking that contacts would come in handy at times like the beach and water parks... so my glasses are getting wet and I don't have to worry about loosing them in the water or stuff like that... and also I could wear sunglasses like EVERYONE else and not have them be prescription wich cost so much more money than regular sunglasses.

these look pretty darn cool. i'll have to check them out and see how they are priced.

thanks for the info.
