Monday, February 23, 2009

My Stalkers

UPDATE: I read under bloggers known issues that we have not lost followers, they just went private while they do some kind of google friend switch, or something like that! lol! The good news is that the number may have gone down, but the followers did not. They just went private for now, and will be instructed how to go public again once the upgrade is complete. Did I confuse you? You can read for yourself here.

I don't really "keep up" with how many followers I have. I'm not necessarily a "you follow me, I'll follow you" kind of blogger. I read who I love, and hope that people like what they read here.

I did notice, however, that sometime today I lost some followers. Actually, I think it was a bunch of followers. On all of my blogs, not just this one.

Was it just me, or did something happen somewhere?


Jennifer said...

Yes! Same thing happened to me. I lost followers on both of my blogs. I was wondering what in the world I said to make people not want to read my blog anymore. :) Good to know it wasn't me! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

When I heard the same thing happened to Mountain Woman at Red Pine Mountain and me the same day, I figured it must be some kind of Blogger issue. I'm going to give her this link. Thanks for posting about this.

Kristi said...

Okay, I feel better because I was racking my brain last might trying to figure out what I said to lose a follower last night too. It must be a blogger issue but I am wondering who I lost. I even said something to my husband because I was so puzzled.

Donna said...

Wudden ME!!!Hahaa....I Love following you around!!hughugs

PlowandPony said...

I am still laughing..Hop on over to my blog to see how upset I was at loosing a few followers. It's funny. Really.

Jennifer said...

hmmmm... i'll have to check to see if i lost any stalkers... i know i don't have nearly as many as you do... i think b/c i go MIA and loose people. lol


Anonymous said...

Okay for a minute there I thought someone was stalking you. Whew....glad to know it's the ones following you...wait that didn't come out right did it? ;o)

Anonymous said...

very honest. I like that.