Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wedding Help

I know a certain someone who is helping to plan her best friends wedding. She is the matron of honor, and so excited to be a part of this special day. I found this fast wedding planning checklist
that she can print out to help make sure nothing is overlooked. It is a pretty detailed list, and it offers suggestions to finding the things you need by providing links. I never had a real wedding, so I can't say first hand how hectic it can be, but I was a part of my sister's wedding, and she needed all the help she could get. This would have been perfect for her, too.


Jennifer said...

thanks!! this wedding stuff is STRESSING me out!! more than my own wedding did!! ~ it's a LOT of work and time and all so anything that can help I'm willing to try... thank you so much for thinking of me... I can't wait to go to the website and check it out... and we will probably use it... and LOVE it... we are lost and stressed and everyone is starting to nit pick with each other and arguements are occuring frequently... not so nice... but we'll survive... also heather is thinking of moving the wedding a MONTH earlier... to the beginning of Aug. instead the very end... i'm stressed and more than that i'm strapped for money!!

this is a life saver to make sure we get everything done... thank you.

xoxoxox <3

Jennifer said...

thanks!! this wedding stuff is STRESSING me out!! more than my own wedding did!! ~ it's a LOT of work and time and all so anything that can help I'm willing to try... thank you so much for thinking of me... I can't wait to go to the website and check it out... and we will probably use it... and LOVE it... we are lost and stressed and everyone is starting to nit pick with each other and arguements are occuring frequently... not so nice... but we'll survive... also heather is thinking of moving the wedding a MONTH earlier... to the beginning of Aug. instead the very end... i'm stressed and more than that i'm strapped for money!!

this is a life saver to make sure we get everything done... thank you.

xoxoxox <3