Tuesday, March 10, 2009

He Finally Quit

Junior (mostly) quit smoking.

It's been about a week.

I say mostly because he fesses up to bumming one a day from a co-worker.

He has been such a pleasure to be around.
***please note the sarcasm in that!

The reason he quit?

Cigarettes are now $4.00 a pack!

That's insane!!!1


Missy said...

OMG!!! Tell him we are sooooo proud of him!!!! Thats AWESOME!!!

I will look and see if I can find any of our quit smoking goodies to help motivate him!!!!!

WHOO HOO for Junior!!!!

jenn said...

He's tried the gum and the lozenges, and hated both. The lozenges actually made him puke. I'm just glad he finally realized that it was a waste of money, and he was slowly killing himself.

Anonymous said...

They are over $8 a pack here.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish I could follow in his footsteps! Tell him I said way to go!

Tammy said...

My hubby is a big smoker and keeps saying he is going to quit. They just added another SIN tax to them this month. I don't know how much they are now but yesterday he said he couldn't afford to smoke anymore. Before this tax they were $5 to $6. If they were only $4 he wouldn't even think about quitting.