Friday, March 6, 2009

Paying Post?

I posted this on my other blog...and will now ask the same of you....

Do any of you do opps through paying post?

If so, have any of you actually been paid by them?

I reached my payout limit, and they never paid me.

They have ignored THREE emails I have sent.

I am getting a little ticked.

Let me know how you have dealt with them.


bcmomtoo said...

I signed up with them a while back, but really haven't gone back. So I've never taken any opps. Are there a lot? I guess it doesn't matter if they don't pay...

Gretchen said...

I've never worked with them, but from the sounds of fit, I'll be avoiding them, too!

Purpled Sky said...

what company are you referring here? So far, PPP, and Blogsvertise have been diligent.

Mark said...

I have only ever managed to get one job from them - and that was to promote Paying Post! Recently I have not been able to get into the site so I don't know if there is a problem there?