Thanks to my wonderful friend tammy, I can show you the entrecard mixed bag page. See...that's me in the number three slot! WoooHoooo!!!!!

Now I can say I learned something today! I really need to get a book from the library that explains all this computer stuff. Do they have a Computer For Dummies? Or Blogging For Dummies? lol!
Great job! There is a Blogging for Dummies and I own it! It's not very good.
Great job! There is a Blogging for Dummies and I own it! It's not very good.
Congrats! I can't do that. I agree with B Boys Mom. The "Blogging for Dummies" is outdated. Most blogging books are outdated by the time they are published. Someone online can usually explain something to you if you need to know something about blogging, I have found.
Congrats Jenn! I checked and saw it, wow girl, you rock!
P.S. It's Aurora that's sick. She called home from school and luckily John just got home from work so he picked her up. She had a friend over on the weekend and she was sick. Why do people let their kids go over to friends houses when they're sick? Sigh!
Congrats! How did you do it?!? I can only get to 512 EC's!
I have no idea how I did it, other then dropping 300 cards a day for the past couple of months.
You're doing better than me, so that should really make you feel good.
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