Thursday, April 2, 2009

BeeWell Miles

I can not begin to tell you how excited I am to be participating in BeeWell Mile. As most of you know, I have been struggling for a long time with my weight. Just check out the picture over there on the right, and you'll see why. It was a big step for me to post that, but I wanted to take a "before" picture of me setting out on my first walk. Of course I had my MP3 and pedometer with me; two essentials for successful walking. I always walk faster when I am listening to my favorite tunes. It's puts a little bounce in my step. I also had my walking sneakers on. I never thought buying a pair of shoes specifically for walking would make such a difference, but they do. You see, I am a seasoned walker. I love to get out in the fresh air, especially in the mornings. Since we moved, however, I have not had a chance to find a new route to walk. Okay, I guess I should say I have been too lazy to find a new route. But that changed today.

Why today, you ask? Well, because I signed up to be a part of BeeWellMiles. I went to the website, signed up, and filled out a brief profile. I can now go there and log the number steps I take every day. This site has so much information about living a healthy lifestyle. I can fill out what I eat, and based on how much I have walked, it can calculate how many calories I burned. They have a really cool meter that can show the balance between my eating and my exercise, helping me to see how to keep them in balance with each other.

The best part of this program is that between now and October 31, for every mile I log, Bumble Bee Foods will donate $.15 to the Breast Cancer Network of Strength (up to $200,00), who provide emotional support to those who can't wait for tomorrow's cure. How amazing is that? Not only will I be getting healthier myself, but I will be helping a worthwhile cause. You all know I have had my own scare with my breast last year, so I was eager to be a part of this. You can be a part of this, too. Just head to and sign up. My goal is to walk my way to losing 30 pounds between now and October. I am looking forward to seeing how much money I alone will have contributed. Do you have a weight loss goal, or will you join in just to support a great cause?


bcmomtoo said...

Good luck with the weight loss and getting healthier. Walking is great exercise. I've been walking 2 miles every weekday morning for 16 years now. My husband started walking with me last winter, and he lost quite a bit of weight. He was also watching his food intake, of course, but exercise is really, really important.

Kristin said...

I hope you find a new walking route.. we have really no good walking options where I live.. it really makes me sad. I used to enjoy getting the kids in the stroller and walking, but there is just no good places to do that here. :(

That website sounds wonderful..and for people who really don't have the means to give to charity or causes, it is something that you can contribute to, I am going to check it out!

Donna said...

you make me...ashamed...I sit toooooo much...hughugs

Mozi Esme said...

Way to go! I'm on my own journey at the moment and can use some more motivation...

The Bumbles said...

Woo hoo for you!!! That sounds like an awesome site and a great bonus benefit of helping a good cause. I'm proud of your efforts - and for posting your before picture.