Sunday, May 17, 2009

Heart And Soul

I was given this beautiful award by Kat, one of my favorite bloggers. You all know her from Candles, Crafts and Whatnot. She is such a sweetie. If you haven't read her blog yet, you should. Just keep your hands off Edward :)

Now, it seems that awards now come with rules. I remember way back when, you were given an award with no strings. I miss those days, lol! But, because I'm a stickler for the rules, here they are:

"If you receive this award, please spread the love!

- Create a post about it, and make sure to include the logo.
- Nominate three blogs that have touched or inspired you, and made an impact in your life.
- Add a link to your nominees’ blogs in your post and inform them about the award.
- Go to and leave the URLs of the 3 blogs you have nominated."

I have so many people I want to pass this along to, and it's so hard to pick just three, but here are my choices.

Anna @ Beth & Cory's Mom ~ without her, I would never have figured this whole dot com thing out.

Tammy @ Mom Knows Everything ~ she is always answering my questions, and she also made my badge available to all of you.

Carrie @ Rantings Of A Woman ~ my first best blog friend, she helped me figure out the whole paid posting thing.

If you don't know these women, go check out their blogs. They are all wonderful!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Thank you so much Jenn! You are the sweetest blogger ever! I gotta make you a flavicon next.