Sunday, October 25, 2009

An Awesome Weekend

I love weekends spent with family.

Yesterday we did the fun day at Junior's work, and then the girls and I had dinner and played games with my mom and Colleen, my sister. While we were at Colleens we video chatted with my sister Tami, and I finally got to see baby Jake, who, by the way, is a cutie!

Then today we took the kids fishing. We all caught something, except Junior, who spent the day making sure Brandi was catching fish. Catfish were biting like crazy, and they were huge, at least to us. The one in the picture was my first fish. I think by the end of the day I had three, one of which I let Brandi reel in. She was so proud of herself landing a big fish.

We have a busy night tomorrow, too. We are going to my dad's church for some Fall fun and games. This weekend is going to be busy, too. We have lots of trick or treating planned. The past few years a local church has had a small carnival on Halloween, and I am hoping they are doing the same this year. I want the kids to ride the rides for a while before it gets dark, and then we are going to do the door to door thing.



Jenera said...

Sounds like everyone had fun!

Tammy said...

We love going fishing asa family. We spent Sat. at Gander Mountain, checing out their camping quiptmet and Sunday was spent doing laundry. My daughter and I did take some time to bake a cake Sunday. She loves helping me in the kitchen. (She also helped with the laundry)

StaceyC4 said...

Frank took me fishing once. ONCE. I didn't make it to actually catch anything because apparently I sighed too much. Now I let him take the boys alone and it makes everyone happy.