Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mr. Kalinowski

Mr. Kalinowski was my fifth grade teacher.

I remember the first day of school that year. Back then, you didn't find out who your teacher was before the first day. You had no idea which friends would be in your class, or if you would like your teacher. In fifth grade, the teacher to fear was Mr. Kalinowski. No one wanted to hear there name called when he took the stage and began rounding up his class for the year. I remember how my heart sank when he called my name.

I was prepared to have a horrible year. I had heard the horror stories about how strict and mean he was. I waited every day for him to lose his temper and start yelling at the class. I held my breath every time someone forgot their homework, or acted out, for fear that we would all witness his dark side.

I waited all year, and it never happened.

Sure, he was strict, but in a good way. He expected the best of his students, and I thrived in that environment. I remember one time, and I don't know why this sticks in my head but it does, that I forgot to have my mom sign my reading log. This was the year I discovered my love of reading, and I think it was because of him. However, it was class policy that if you forgot or didn't do your homework, you missed recess. You had to sit inside and do work in "detention" while the rest of the class went out to the field. I was sitting in "detention" when Mr. Kalinowski came in the room and saw me. He came over and asked why I was in there, and I told him that I forgot to have my mom sign my log. He told me to go out with the rest of the class, because I was such a good student and he knew it was a mistake, not me not doing my homework. From that moment, I became the girl who ran all his errands, and I was the one put in charge when he had to leave the room.

Yeah, I was a good girl.

I wonder sometimes what happened to him. I know he no longer teachers, because my sister's kids go to that elementary school now. I tried looking him up on MyLife, but I can not for the life of me remember his first name. I need to do a little research, maybe go to the school district website and find an old teachers section. Not old, like age old, but old like used to teach there. Did that make sense? I have used MyLife in the past, so once I am armed with the proper information, I am hoping I will be able to find him.

Maybe I'll write him a letter, letting him know how much I appreciated him, and all that he did for me. I think he would like that.

1 comment:

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry' said...

Wonder how he got such a bad reputation, probably lost his cool one time. I always responded best to teachers who were strict and knew what they were doing. There's a big difference between strict and mean.